Better Management Practices for Water Quality
Water quality at the intake point is a vital consideration in successful shrimp farming. The site should have access to an unpolluted estuarine or marine water supply, with an optimum […]
Water quality at the intake point is a vital consideration in successful shrimp farming. The site should have access to an unpolluted estuarine or marine water supply, with an optimum […]
The main objective of pond preparation is to provide the shrimp with a clean rearing environment and optimum conditions for their growth and survival. Effective pond preparation is an integral […]
After every harvest, sundry the pond for 20-30 days till the soil cracks clean the pond bottom by scraping he organic waste and make sure no black soil remains. Plough […]
Shrimp Aquaculture has provided tremendous opportunity for economic and social upliftment of rural communities in the coastal areas of our country. Over a hundred thousand farmers, of whom about 90% […]
A comprehensive video on Best Management Practices (BMP) tips in Shrimp Farming produced by NaCSA
A comprehensive video on Best Management Practices (BMP) in Shrimp Farming produced by NaCSA
Farmers are advised to monitor temperature variations in water. In case temperature of water improves (20 – 25 degrees Celsius) particularly in northern region, farmers may resume fish breeding and […]