One of the most important features offish culture is that the fish should have good food. Feeding and fertilization together make the pond culture successful. The growth offish in the […]
One of the most important features offish culture is that the fish should have good food. Feeding and fertilization together make the pond culture successful. The growth offish in the […]
STATUS OF INDIAN SHRIMP AQUACULTURE HATCHERY FARMING FEED MILLS PROCESSING MARKETS THE FUTURE OUTLOOK WAY FORWARD Shrimp Hatcheries – overview Installed capacity – >100 billion PL Broodstock source – Imported […]
PONDS In nature, many fish never reach adult size because they are eaten by other animals or predators or die from disease or lack of oxygen. Fish culture in ponds […]
In nature, many fish never reach adult size because they are eaten by other animals or predators or die from disease or lack of oxygen. Fish culture in ponds try […]
Catla catla, Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala are the fastest growing and consumer preferred species among Indian major carps. Besides exotic carps viz. Ctenopharyngodon idella and Hypophthalmichthyes molitrix do form […]
Transportation of breeders, fry and fingerling is a common phenomenon in fish culture systems. The fish seed are transported from hatchery units to the fish farm to rear them in […]
The problems encountered in bundh breeding are : 1. Sometimes it is difficult to coordinate the collection and hatching of large quantities of eggs at a time, particularly in the […]
In various countries, pond breeding species are generally preferred for fish culture as they do not involve the difficulties in the collection and transportation of young fish. But the widely […]
Types of hatcheries Many types of hatcheries have been established so far for hatching fish eggs. The main aim of the hatcheries is to improve the percentage of the hatching […]
Environmental factors like temperature, water condition, light, meteorological . conditions, etc. are important factors controlling the reproduction of fish. Temperature: There is an optimal temperature range for induced breeding of […]