The reliable diagnosis centre for all fin fish and shell fish pathogens
- The Central Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory (CAPL) of MPEDA-RGCA is housed at the Technology Transfer & Training Centre of RGCA at Sirkali, Tamilnadu.
Major objectives of CAPL are
- To support the Aquaculture industry by providing reliable Disease Diagnosis Services.
- The Laboratory is ewuipped with all the contemporary disease diagnostic tools and has three component units comprised of Molecular Pathology, Histopathology and Microbiology Laboratory, which aids in diagnosis of various diseases encountered by the aquaculture industry.
- The molecular Pathology Laboratory of RGCA has been routinely engaged in screening/diagnosis of 19 Crustacean (Shrimp/ Crab/Scampi) Pathogens including all OIE listed Pathogens bedsides 3 fin fish Pathogens.
- MPEDA/RGCA is a partner organization in National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Disease co-ordinated by NBFGR and funded by NFDB.
- MPEDA/NaCSA/RGCA/Dept. of Fisheries, Andhra Pradesh, initiated Joint Disease Surveillance programme in Andhra Pradesh for the benefit of Seafood Export industry.
- To bring confidence on Aquaculture Disease Diagnostic Laboratories and to enhance the capacity of Aquaculture Labs to generate reliable results “Laboratory Recognition Programme” has been jointly initiated by MPEDA-RGCA, CAA and CIBA.
- RGCA Central Aquaculture Pathology Laborator confirmed the EHP infection in cultured L.vannamei and P.monodon in the country for the first time and reported it through its Newsletter in June 2015.
RGCA’s Support
- Diagnosis of all major Fin fish Shell Fish Pathogens through PCR and Histopathology.
- Water quality analysis for Aquaculture purposes.
- Training on Molecular Pathology, Histopathology and Water Quality Analysis.
- Training of Better Disease Management Practices.
- Consultancy services for the setting up of Aquaculture Disease Diagnosis and Water Quality Testing Laboratories of various capacities.
Source : RGCA
Very informative