The pride of South East Asia
- Tiger shrimp, Peaneaus monodon is an indigenous species to south-east Asian countries.
- The Domestication of Tiger Shrimp Project (DTSP) was established by RGCA at Andaman & Nicobar Islands with a view to revamp the tiger shrimp aquaculture in the country.
- The project aims to sustain the tiger shrimp aquaculture in India through the supply of domesticated SPF Tiger Shrimp broodstock to the commercial hatcheries for seed productin and farming thereby to augment aquaculture production and export.
- DTSP envisages to produce stocks(Families of shrimp that are free for all known shrimp pathogens and selected for desirable traits such as growth reproductive performance, disease resistance, meat quality and yield) for supply to the shrimp hatchery operators in the country to produce quality shrimp seeds.
- As part of the selective breeding programme the project so far reached upto G6 generation and is maintaining 52 families of various generations in its highly bio-secured world class Nucleus Breeding Centre at Kodiyaghat, South Andamans. These stocks periodically passes through stringent multi level disease tests of all OIE listed pathogens and other potential shrimp pathogens.
Source : RGCA