Role and support from NABARD

Refinance NABARD is the apex Development Financial Institution with a mandate for promoting agriculture and rural development through financial and non-financial development interventions. NABARD extends refinance support to banks (Commercial […]

Guide to HDPE pond liners

HDPE High density polythene is the most widely used geomembrane in the world and is used more commonly internationally due to its availability and relatively inexpensive material cost. HDPE is an excellent product for large […]

Water Quality Testers in Aquaculture

Water analysis is commonly required in aquaculture to making decisions on water quality management in aquaculture ponds. It is needed to monitor dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, flow, level, and other […]

Spare Parts - Aquaculture

Spares – Finding the spare parts for the aqua equipment was a stringent task for the aqua farmers couple of years ago, now with the advancement of Aquaculture and aquaculture […]

Role of Aerators in Aquaculture

Aerators are various devices used for aeration, or mixing air with another substance, such as soil or water. These devices are used to add oxygen to the water. Aeration brings […]