Aquaculture Certification
Fish is one of the most highly traded food commodities globally. According to FAO, global trade of fish and fishery products reached $136 billion in 2013. EU, US and Japan […]
Fish is one of the most highly traded food commodities globally. According to FAO, global trade of fish and fishery products reached $136 billion in 2013. EU, US and Japan […]
Aquatic animals are widely translocated across countries for enhancing aquaculture productions and species diversification. Such trans-boundary movement of live aquatic animals has the risk of introduction of new diseases. Responsible […]
Bio security is a board concept and the application of bio security concepts to shrimp aquaculture will contribute significantly to reduce losses due to diseases and make this sector more […]
With the imitation of a National Surveillance Programme on aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) funded by the National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) in 2013, active surveillance of the disease and its […]
P.vannamei is known to be vulnerable to a wide range of viral diseases, and the reports of mass mortalities and failure of the culture system have also been recorded. The […]
The Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannanei, native of the Western Pacific coast of Latin American countries was introduced into Asia experimentally during 1978-79(with SPF vannamei farm trials starting around late […]
Brackish water farming in India during the past four decades has evolved from age-old traditional systems of ‘pokkali’ in kerela, ‘bheries’ in WestBengal, ‘gheris’ in Odisha,’kharlands’ in Karnataka and ‘Khazans’ […]
It is said that “Healthy cultivation begins with healthy Seed” , which leads to higher survival SPF seed, faster growth, with bigger final size, low mortality and high market value […]
In Aquaculture it is very important to monitor the mineral supplements the species required. The ratio and proportional of the minerals should be known properly. It is said that the […]
Aquaculture is the fastest growing food production sector, employing about 9 million people (FAO, 2000) and Aquaculture is producing over 1/3 world supply of seafood. In Aquaculture to get profitable […]